
Can I cancel my subscription at anytime? Sure. Your paid subscription can be canceled anytime. You will no longer be charged.

Do you have a refund policy? No.

Will you renew my subscription automatically? Yes, your subscription will be automatically renewed according to your pay period. You can cancel any time.

Do you offer any discounts? Not at the moment.

What kind of subscriptions do you offer? You can get an already available playlist for three months at 50 Euros each, or ask for a custom made one for your specific needs which will cost you 200 Euros for 30 days subscription.

Why are your sounds more expensive than what is available online? The sounds I create are based on the latest research in neuroscience combined with my understanding of how the mind works which is based on 20 years of personal research. The end product is of a much higher quality than what can you will find in the market. Few weeks of practice are enough to create a big positive shift in your life. Look at it as an investment in yourself not as an expense,

The technology

What is brainwave entrainment and how does it work? Detailed explanations can be found on the About page.

Is brainwave entrainment safe? Yes. No side effects have been reported in any of the research we’ve reviewed to formulate our programs. Our product is up to date and consistent with the latest research in the fields of audio entrainment and neuroscience. Before using any of the sessions read the Disclaimer.

When will I notice an effect? In general you should have a great experience since your first session and you should start seeing major improvements within a few weeks, assuming you use it regularly and consistently (4 to 5 times per week).

Do I need to use headphones? We always recommend to use stereo headphones for the best possible outcome. Make sure they fit comfortably to prevent any distractions. On-ear headphones with noise-cancelling feature are an optimal choice, but good quality ear-buds are working as well. Perform a stereo test before using the headphones.

How do I prepare myself for a session? Every program comes with an explanatory video so you can make the most of it. Additional information on how to prepare can be found HERE.

How can I relax at the beginning of a session? To make the most of this technology, you must be relaxed while engaged in a session. Most of the sessions will require you to close your eyes. In the following sections we will describe a few techniques that will help you achieve relaxation.

Body scan:

Start scanning your body looking for tension. Start from your toes and slowly move your attention to your head. Repeat again, if necessary. Before moving to another part make sure the previous one is fully relaxed. Don’t forget to spend extra time to relax your neck, jaw and tongue as well. These spots can hold a little bit of extra tension.

Eye position:

For almost all sessions your eyes should be closed the entire time. Closing the eyes eliminates much of the external input the brain receives and allows it to focus on your inner landscape.

The correct eye position will help you get to a relaxed/trance-like state faster. Move your eyes upwards as if you are looking towards a spot in the middle of your forehead. Avoid straining if this feels uncomfortable.

The Beats:

All the sessions have beats. Bring your attention to the beats. It will help you “empty your mind” and also have a more fulfilling experience (increased entrainment).


One way to relax quickly is by visualizing an object and by zooming in. So keep zooming in until you get to the smallest detail of the visualized object, once there, fix your attention on the object until you start feeling the sensation of “floating”. At this point, just let go.

How to breath:

Breath deep, full breaths into your abdomen. When you breath in through your abdomen your belly will rise and that is how you know you are doing it correctly.

Inhale at the same rate as you exhale. And when you exhale, imagine that you are releasing all tension from your body.

Note that random itches can be experienced when trying to relax. Don’t scratch, just ignore them. they will pass after a few seconds.

How do I integrate my experience after a session? Journaling is a great way to integrate your experience and track your improvements.

None of the programs seem to suit my needs. Can you make a custom program for me? Please get in touch with us with your request.


Do you offer support if I need help? Yes! High-quality customer support is extremely important for a quality product, that’s why I will do my best to resolve any issues you may encounter.

What does support include? You can always feel free to contact us for:

  • How to use your playlist.
  • Advice on which playlist can be the best for you.
  • How to deal with your emotional challenge and how the sounds can help you with that.

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